Evaluation of the Norwegian program for the resettlement of UN refugees (2008)

En helhetlig gjennomgang av av det norske programmet for gjenbosetting av FN-flyktninger med vekt på integreringspotensial som et utvalgskriterium.

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Evaluation of the Norwegian program for the resettlement of UN refugees (pdf, 713 kB)


The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has commissioned a holistic evaluation (UDI Project Number: 07/919) of the Norwegian program for the resettlement of UN refugees1 with an emphasis on integration potential as a criterion for selection. 

This project commenced on 1 September 2007 and was completed on 1 May 20083. It is based on data collected in this period. This report has sought to answer the following questions:

  1. How has integration potential been employed in the selection of UN refugees to Norway?
  2. How have organisational changes affected administrative practices and routines regarding the criteria for the selection of UN refugees?
  3. What are the problematic issues, if any, connected to integration potential as a selection criterion?
  4. What are the challenges, dilemmas and issues that need further clarification or research?

Utført av : Long & Olsen

Bestilt av: UDI

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