Rapporter og studier fra EMN
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Her finner du analyser og oppsummeringer av utvalgte EMN-studier og rapporter.
EMN studie om lengeværende irregulære migranter (2022)
EMN Study on third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection (2022)
EMN study on data management in the asylum procedure (2021)
EMN report on children in migration (2021)
EMN Study on Pathway to citizenship for third-country nationals in the EU (2020)
EMN Study on Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the EU and Norway (2020)
EMN Study on Beneficiaries of International Protection Travelling to and Contacting Authorities of their Country of Origin (2019)
Challenges and practices for establishing the identity of third-country national in migration procedures (2017)
Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination in the EU plus Norway (2018)
EMN study on Impact of visa liberalisation on the countries of destination (2019)