Travelling to Norway

Information about the rules for entering Norway legally.

  • What can I do to leave Ukraine now?

  • I am not in Norway. Can I apply for protection (asylum) before I travel to Norway?

  • I am a Ukrainian citizen. What are the rules for legal entry into Norway?

  • What happens if I enter Norway illegally?

  • I am a Ukrainian citizen in Ukraine, but I was deported from Norway, and I am subject to an entry ban registered in the Schengen Information System (SIS) . Can I apply to have the entry ban lifted?

  • How long can I stay in Norway without applying for a residence permit?

  • I have collective protection or a residence permit in another European country. May I be granted collective protection in Norway?

  • Can I bring my pet to Norway?

  • I want to travel to Norway with my Russian-registered passenger car. What are the rules?

  • I would like information about voluntary resettlement in Norway from Moldova

  • Can I apply to come to Norway through Medevac?

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