Waiting times for applications for collective protection

If you have fled the war in Ukraine and applied for protection in Norway, the immigration authorities will process your application either as part of a group assessment (collective protection) or individually (ordinary protection).

You will be granted collective protection if you meet the conditions for such a permit. If you are not among those who can receive collective protection, UDI will make an individual assessment of your application.

It is the immigration authorities who decide whether your case should be assessed as part of the group assessment, or individually. You cannot choose for yourself.

Waiting times if you are entitled to collective protection

Most applications for collective protection are processed automatically, and not by a case process worker. Some cases must however be processed by a case process worker.

Applications that are processed automatically

If your application is processed automatically, you can expect to receive an answer shortly.

Applications processed by a case process worker

If your application needs to be processed by a case process worker, the waiting time will be longer.

The vast majority of applicants in this group receive an answer within 4 months. Many applicants will have an answer earlier. Some cases may take longer.

We do not always process the oldest cases first, so you may find that someone who applied after you receives an answer before you. Having to wait longer does not mean that there is anything wrong with your case.

How do you know if your case is processed automatically or by a case manager?

You will normally not find out whether your case will be processed automatically or by a person until you receive an answer to the application.

A case process worker must assess your case if

  • your case lacks documents or information
  • you are not a Ukrainian citizen
  • you have not provided the correct residential address in Norway

The fact that your case cannot be processed automatically does not mean that there is anything wrong with it.

Waiting times if you are not entitled to collective protection

If your application does not meet the criteria for collective protection, the waiting time will be significantly longer.

Unfortunately, we cannot say anything about how long it will take to process such cases. The reason is that UDI is working to establish a practice. We cannot provide more information about this now, even if you contact UDI.

How do you know that you do not meet the criteria for collective protection?

If you are not entitled to collective protection, you will either be informed of this when you register with the police, or you will receive a letter from UDI once we have looked into your case. In the letter you will find information on what to do next.

If you are not entitled to collective protection, UDI will initially consider your case as a regular application for protection.

Do you have documents that you have not handed in?

You can find information on how to hand in documents at udi.no/docasylum