Can I apply to move from one asylum reception centre to another or from an asylum reception centre to live privately?

UDI offers everyone who applies for protection in Norway a place to live. Asylum reception centres and emergency accommodations are simple and temporary accommodations where you can stay while you wait for an answer to your application for collective protection. Many people are arriving from Ukraine now, and we can therefore not process applications for relocation between asylum reception centres and between emergency accommodations.

You can live privately

Even if we do not process relocation applications between asylum reception centres and emergency accommodation, you can still choose to live elsewhere. You can move, for example, to friends or family.

Are you going to stay privately after registering at the National Arrivals Center?

If you are moving to a private address after registering at the National Arrivals Center, please notify LINK of the new address you are moving to. You must do this before moving. LINK then notifies the police and UDI of your new address. UDI must know where you are when we send out the decision letter granting protection and other important information. If we do not know where you are, we will not process your application for protection.

Are you moving from an asylum reception centre or an emergency accommodation to a private address?

Suppose you live in an asylum reception centre or an emergency accommodation and move to a private address. In that case, you must report your new address to the reception centre and the police where you will live. UDI must know where you are when we send out decisions on protection and other important information. If we do not know where you are, we can not process your application for protection.

Until 15 February 2024 there was an application scheme for Ukrainians who wanted to live in a temporary alternative to an asylum reception centre or emergency accommodation.

This scheme has been discontinued and it is no longer possible to apply.

It is still possible to apply under the standard scheme for alternative accommodation to reception centres, but this scheme is limited. You can apply under this scheme if you meet the requirements of the scheme and have particular needs that cannot be met in an ordinary reception centre. It is also required that a municipality agrees to be responsible both for arranging a housing offer and for following up on your needs. Municipalities are not obligated to participate in the alternative accommodation scheme.

You will find information about eligibility requirements and how to apply here.