Human trafficking

Human trafficking is when one or more persons exploit someone, for example for the purpose of prostitution, work, begging or crime.

The person being exploited may be a child, an adult in a vulnerable situation, or an adult who has been deceived or subjected to violence, threats or coercion.

Human trafficking is a serious violation of human rights and is prohibited in Norway. 

All phases of exploitation are prohibited, both the recruitment, transport, the provision of accommodation and receiving the person. Anyone found guilty of human trafficking risks up to ten years' imprisonment.

Are you being exploited for the purpose of prostitution, work, begging or crime?

If you are a victim of human trafficking, you can get help from the Norwegian authorities. They can provide safe accommodation at a crisis centre or with child welfare services, and they can also offer you guidance and legal assistance if you wish to report the matter to the police. If you want to return home, The International Organization for Migration (IOM) can help you to return safely.

If you do not have a residence permit, you can apply for one. 

What kind of residence permit can you be granted in Norway?

You can apply for a limited residence permit for victims of human trafficking or you can apply for protection (asylum) in Norway.

Period of reflection

A period of reflection is a residence permit that is valid for six months. It is not renewable. You can be granted such a residence permit to help you break free from your circumstances, to get back on your feet and escape the influence of the traffickers. If you wish, you can also get help to report your traffickers to the authorities. To apply for a period of reflection, you must meet in person at your local police station.

Limited residence permit

If it is necessary for you to stay in Norway while the police are investigating the ringleaders, or during the court case, you can be granted a limited residence permit for up to one year. This permit can be renewed if necessary for the investigation or the court case. To apply for a limited residence permit, you must meet in person at your local police station.

Residence permits for witnesses in human trafficking cases

If you have testified in a human trafficking case, you can apply for protection (asylum). UDI will then consider whether you can be granted protection, a residence permit for witnesses in human trafficking cases, or a residence permit on grounds of strong humanitarian considerations.

Protection (asylum)

If you are a victim of human trafficking, you can apply for protection (asylum).

If you have been granted a period of reflection or a limited residence permit, you can apply for protection (asylum) at a later time.

If you have applied for asylum, you can withdraw your asylum application and apply for a period of reflection instead. You can ask UDI to consider your asylum application at a later time.

If you have children in Norway, they can also be granted the same type of residence permit as you.

Who can help you?

Further information for helpers

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