Registered asylum applications and application for temporary collective protection by top five countries (2024)

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2024 week 48 - week 50: Registered asylum applications1 by top five countries
Nationality Week 48 Week 49 Week 50
Ukraine 372 394 223
Syrian Arab Republic 53 48 59
Eritrea 3 6 6
Turkey 2 7 1
Colombia 3 0 6
Others 22 30 31
Total 455 485 326

1A "registered asylum application" is an asylum application that has been registered in The database of foreign nationals (Utlendingsdatabasen (UDB)). The actual registration date of an asylum application may be a few days after the applicant notified Norwegian authorities of their wish to apply for protection.

This table is updated every Monday.

Source: Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

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