If the employer/client submits the application for a residence permit on behalf of the worker

  1. The employer/client must have a written power-of-attorney (pdf, 205 kB) from the employee, and show the power-of-attorney when he or she hands in the application for a residence permit to the police.
  2. The employer/client must ask for early employment start when they hand in the application for a residence permit to the police.
  3. The police can then issue a confirmation that the employee can work for this employer/client until their application for a residence permit has been decided (confirmation of early employment start). The worker cannot change employers or clients. 
  4. If the employee needs a visa to enter Norway, he or she can get this at a Norwegian embassy that accepts applications for a residence permit. The employee must show the confirmation of early employment start at the Norwegian embassy. Other countries' embassies cannot issue this type of entry visa. If the employee lives in a country where Norway is represented by another country, he or she must contact a Norwegian embassy in another country that accepts applications for a residence permit.

Please note! After the police have sent the application to UDI for processing, it is not possible to get a confirmation of early employment.