Residence permit
Appealing a decision
How do I appeal a decision?
You can read more on our webpage, Appealing a decision.
We also have information for Lawyers and legal service providers.
Appeals may only be submitted by the actual applicant (the person seeking to visit or live in Norway) or a person granted power of attorney by the applicant to act on their behalf.
Leaving Norway
I have been given a departure deadline. When do I have to leave Norway?
If you applied while in Norway, and you were given a deadline for departure, you will have to leave Norway and the EU / Schegen area before the deadline passes.
My application for a residence permit was rejected, and I have received advance notice that I might be expelled from Norway. What do I have to do?
Your application for a residence permit was not approved, and you have an obligation to leave Norway and the EU / Schengen area by the deadline.
You have also been notified ahead of time that we will consider expelling you from Norway, if you do not leave the EU / Schengen area by the deadline.
What happens if I leave by the deadline?
If you leave by the deadline, you will have fulfilled your obligation. We will not open an expulsion case if you leave on time. You need to registrere utreisen register your departure by presenting your travel document to border control.
What happens if I do not leave by the deadline?
UDI will open a case to consider whether to expel you
If you do not leave by the deadline, UDI will open a case to consider expelling you from Norway.
If you are expelled, an entry ban will be issued. You will not be allowed to enter any part of the EU / Schengen area as long as the ban is in effect.
If you are expelled, you will receive a letter about this from UDI (provided we have your address in your home country). If you have not provided your address in your application for a residence permit, and you are later planning to travel to Norway or the EU / Schengen area, you should contact UDI or a Norwegian embasssy / consulate general before travelling. We will be able to tell you if you are subject to an entry ban.
You can send information in to UDI
If you do not leave by the deadline, you can send information to us that may be of importance to your case. You do not need to send us anything details you have sent us before. But if you have other information which could be of significance when considering expulsion, you can send it to UDI or to the police. You must send the information before the deadline that was set out in your letter.
Can my departure deadline be postponed?
It is very rare for a departure deadline to be postponed. If you are not able to leave by your deadline, you need to apply with the police to have your deadline postponed (external website). It is important to apply before your deadline has passed. The decision whether your deadline can be postponed lies with the police.
Can I appeal?
Yes. If your application has been rejected, you are allowed to appeal. If you appeal, the embassy or UDI will re-examine your case. You must submit your appeal by the deadline set out in your decision letter.