Frequently asked questions about permanent residence
I need information about how to apply for a permanent residence permit
I want to apply for a permanent residence permit. What are the requirements?
The requirements for a permanent residence permit will vary, depending on your situation. Here you can find information about the requirements for a permanent residence permit.
I have applied for permanent residence
Can I request priority?
Very few applications can be prioritised. To request priority, you must send us
- a detailed explanation
- documentation, for example a medical certificate
You cannot request priority by phone, chat or email.
Visit our Can I request priority-page?-page and choose the alternative that best describes your situation for more information about priority.
What happens to my application while I wait?
- The police may grant applications for a permanent residence permit. Still, if the conditions are not met, or it is unclear whether they are met, the police must send the application for a permanent residence permit to UDI.
- If the application for a permanent residence permit is sent to UDI, the police must renew your temporary residence permit if the conditions for this permit are met. This is done so that you have a valid residence permit while you wait for the application for permanent residence to be processed by UDI. If the police have granted you a temporary permit and sent your application for permanent residence to UDI, you will not receive the messages described in points 3 and 4.
- When your application reaches UDI, we will notify you by email or SMS.
- The application is now waiting to be processed by UDI. Once a month, you will receive a confirmation by email or SMS that your application is still in line. You can read more about the waiting time in our guide to waiting time for applications for permanent residence.
- When your application is first in line, it will be considered. When UDI has made a decision, you will be notified by UDI or the police. If you have given any power of attorney in your case, this person will always receive the answer and must inform you.
I need documentation of legal residence in Norway while I am waiting for a decision on my application. What can I do?
You can request confirmation of legal residence while you wait for a decision on your application. UDI cannot provide any other type of confirmation.
I do not remember the specific date I sent in my application for a permanent residence permit. Where can I find this information?
You can find the date you applied for permanent residency permit after you log in and go to "My applications". You can also find the date you applied on the receipt from the police.
Will I be notified if my application has been sent to UDI?
Yes, the police will send you a letter if they send your application to UDI.
I cannot find an available appointment with the police. What can I do?
You can find information about booking an appointment with the police here (external website). UDI cannot help you with booking an appointment with the police.
Only the police have access to the booking calendar.
If you experience problems with booking an appointment, you must contact the police where you live (external website).
I need a travel document. What do I need to do?
You can apply for an immigrant’s passport or a travel document.
An application for permanent residence permit is not the same as an application for an immigrant’s passport or travel document.
What do I have to do if I move before my application is processed?
You are registered in the National Population Register
You have to report your new address to the National Population Register (external website) as soon as you know you will be moving. UDI automatically receives your new address from the register.
You are in Norway, but not registered in the National Population Register
If you are in Norway, and you move before your application has been processed, you must notify the police of your move no later than one week after you have moved. You can notify the police where you are moving to, or where you lived before.
You are abroad
If you are abroad, and you move before UDI has processed your application, you must notify the embassy or consulate where you submitted your application. If you fail to do this, you risk not receiving the answer to your application.
I have a permanent residence permit
I have just received a new residence permit, but I have not received a residence card. What can I do?
You can find information about booking and attending an appointment. UDI cannot help you with booking an appointment with the police. If you are not able to order a residence card you need to contact the police where you live (external website).
I need a travel document. What do I need to do?
You can apply for an immigrant’s passport or a travel document.
An application for permanent residence permit is not the same as an application for an immigrant’s passport or travel document.