Proof of identity and nationality (2014)

The Directorate of Immigration of the French Ministry of the Interior is currently reflecting on the legal regime of proof of identity regarding third-country national who apply for a residence permit. 


Ad-query on the proof of identity (pdf, 230 kB)
Ad-query on the proof of nationality (pdf,  174 kB)


The Directorate of Immigration of the French Ministry of the Interior is currently reflecting on the legal regime of proof of identity regarding third-country national who apply for a residence permit. 

In the French legislation, third-country nationals applying for a residence permit have to provide the competent authorities with “data related to civil status”. The requested documents are different, depending on the type of residence permit. If the condition of a regular entry on the territory is required, the third-country national applying for a residence permit has to provide evidence of his/her regular entry on the territory (passport, visa). If this condition is not required (e.g. asylum seekers), this information can be provided with any other document (civil status certificate, personal documents or of private companies), with a preference for the passport although it cannot be required.

The Directorate of Immigration of the French Ministry of the Interior would like to gather information on proof of identity requirements when applying for a residence permit in your Member State.

We would like to ask the following questions

In your Member State, which conditions regarding proof of identity must be fulfilled by third-country nationals applying for a residence permit?

  1. How are the proof of identity requirements laid down in your national legislation?
  2. Which documents does a third-country national need in order to proof his/her identity when applying for a residence permit?
  3. Does your Member State systematically require a valid passport?
  4. Regarding residence permits which are not subject to the condition of regular entry on the national territory (e.g. refugee status), how does your Member State establish the identity of the third-country national applying for a residence permit? 

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