Who cannot use the electronic sponsorship form?
Visitors who do not require a visa must still use the paper-based option.
Applicants submitting an application for a group visitor visa, for two or more people of the same nationality travelling together, must still use the paper-based option. The sponsorship form is individual and must be submitted for each of the applicants who cannot document that they have at least 500 NOK per day during their stay in Norway and the Schengen area.
Visa applications that are to be submitted to the Governor of Svalbard or to a different Schengen country where Norway is represented must still use the paper-based option.
If you have been granted a multiple-entry visa, you can only use the electronic sponsorship form for your first entry. You must have the paper form with you for subsequent entries.
This also applies to applicants who have already submitted a visa application. The electronic sponsorship form is only valid if it has been linked to the application form by entering a four-word code. This is because the form is automatically submitted to the immigration administration's case processing system. If it is uploaded later via the uploading solution or via email and post, we will not be able to verify the eID (electronic signature).