Protection (asylum) and strong humanitarian considerations

Type of application Fee
First time application for protection (asylum)      0,-
Renewal of residence permit for protection (asylum)      0,-
Person who is over 18 years old who is applying for a residence permit because of strong humanitarian considerations NOK 1.100
Person who is over 18 years old who is applying for  renewal of a residence permit because of strong humanitarian considerations NOK 1.100
Renewal of residence permit because of strong humanitarian considerations which is limited due to doubt about the identity NOK 1.100
Renewal of residence permit for those who have not been given protection in Norway but has been given residence due to protection against expulsion (§ 74)         0,-

Work permit after final rejection of application for protection (asylum)

NOK        1.100

Work permit for asylum seekers who have an application for protection (asylum) waiting to be processed
