Born between 1 July 1961 and 30 June 1979

If you were born between 1 July 1961 and 30 June 1979, you became Norwegian at birth provided that your father was Norwegian and also married to your mother when you were born. If only your father was Norwegian and your parents married after you were born, but before you reached the age of 18, you became Norwegian from the point in time your parents became married.
Alternatively, you became Norwegian when you were born if your mother was Norwegian but not married at the time of your birth. If your mother was Norwegian, married and you did not acquire citizenship from your father when you were born, then you still became Norwegian at birth provided you were born in Norway. 
If your mother was Norwegian but married to a man who was not Norwegian, then your mother had the possibility of submitting notification of citizenship before you reached the age of 18 (notification of citizenship by mother). This only become possible as of 1 July 1979. If you have a decision or a certificate that you became Norwegian by notification, you became Norwegian from the date the Norwegian authorities received the notification. If you became a Norwegian citizen through notification from your mother and were born abroad, you are among those people who may lose their Norwegian citizenship at 22 years of age if you had not stayed in Norway long enough before turning 22.


You must have a birth certificate and be able to document that at least one of your parents was Norwegian when you were born.
If your father or both your parents were Norwegian you must submit your parents’ marriage certificate (applies whether they were married when you were born or if they married before you reached the age of 18).
If only your mother was Norwegian you must submit documentation that shows that your parents were not married when you were born.
If you became Norwegian through notification you must submit a certificate of Norwegian citizenship.
If you no longer have the certificate of Norwegian citizenship you may contact the County Governor by email at
You may also contact the National Archives of Norway by email at
The National Archives of Norway (external website) stores documentation on cases involving Norwegian citizenship in the years from 1889 to 1984.

Applicable law

"The Norwegian Nationality Act of 8 December 1950".
Regarding notification of citizenship by mother, see "Guidelines for processing citizenship cases", chapter 3 (external website) (G-28/99 Retningslinjer for behandling av statsborgersaker, kapittel 3).