Asylum seeker card

When you apply for protection (asylum) in Norway you will be issued an asylum seeker card, confirming that you have applied for protection.

The police will issue you your card when they register your application for protection. The card is valid for six months and can be renewed if it expires before you have received an answer to your application.

The design of the asylum seeker card changed somewhat as of December 2017. For a period of time both the new and old types of cards will be valid. If you have the old version of the card, you may keep it until it expires. You will receive the new version the next time you renew your card.

The card serves as confirmation of your application for protection (asylum)

The card can only be used to confirm that you have applied for protection (asylum) in Norway and that you can legally stay in Norway while we process your application. 

You cannot use the card as an ID or work permit

  • You cannot use the card as an ID document or as a travel document. This is because the card’s information is solely based on what you have told us.
  • The card does not allow you to work. To work you need a temporary work permit from UDI

Who is not eligible for an asylum seeker card?

You will not be issued an asylum seeker card if

  • you have not applied for protection (asylum)
  • you have been granted a residence permit in Norway. You will be issued a residence card instead.
  • your application is rejected (final decision) by the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE)
  • UDI rejects your application for protection (asylum) and it has been decided that you cannot stay in Norway while your appeal is being processed.

Contact the police (external website) for more information about the asylum seeker cards and card renewals.

New asylum seeker cards


The old asylum seeker card

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