Artist, musician or performer

If you are to work in Norway for a maximum of 14 days

Performers, artists, musicians and their support staff do not need a residence permit if they are to have concerts or performances in Norway for a total of maximum 14 days during a calendar year. You or your client must notify the police in writing before you enter Norway. Please check whether you need a visitor visa.

British citizen, do not have an employer in Norway and will work in Norway for up to 90 days

British musicians, artists and their support staff who do not have an employer in Norway do not need a residence permit if they are going to perform, participate in competitions or hold rehearsals in Norway for up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

You or your employer must notify the police in writing before you enter Norway.

If you are to work in Norway for more than 14 days

Requirements of the employee

Requirements relating to the employment relationship

  • You must have received a concrete offer of employment as a performer, musician or artist, or as a member of their necessary accompanying support staff.
  • The object of the work must be to present culture, for example through music, dance, theatre or circus performances.
  • The main rule is that you must have received an offer of full-time employment. Normally, this constitutes 37.5 hours per week. For musicians or dance bands, 21 hours per week is sufficient.
  • The job offer must be for a specific, continuous period of time. You can have one or more employers or clients. If there are periods in which you do not work or have assignments, they cannot amount to more than 20 per cent of the time you spend in Norway.
  • The pay and working conditions must not be poorer than is normal in Norway. This means that you must receive pay in accordance with the collective agreement for the industry in question. If no collective agreement applies to the industry, your pay cannot be poorer than is normal for someone in your occupation in the place you are to work. For example, musicians, circus performers and their necessary accompanying support staff must have a salary of at least 

    NOK 310 070 per year pre-tax

    . People hired by Kulturtanken, formerly known as Rikskonsertene (Concerts Norway) have a separate framework agreement (external website) (page in Norwegian).
  • If you are between the ages of 15 and 18, you need the consent of your parents or another person who has parental responsibility for you. Children under the age of 15 cannot be granted a residence permit pursuant to these rules, but they can apply for residence permits pursuant to the rules for family immigration.

Rights and obligations

  • If you are to change jobs, assignments or employers, you must apply for a new permit.
  • You can be granted a permit for a maximum of one year at a time. You must have stayed outside of Norway for three months before you can be granted a new permit.
  • The period you have this permit does not count if you later wish to apply for a permanent residence permit. 
  • Your spouse or cohabitant and children can usually apply to come and live with you in Norway. If your family members apply at the same time as you, you will receive the answer to your applications at the same time.