Har fått nei på søknaden Beholde permanent oppholdstillatelse når du skal bo i utlandet

Hvis du har fått nei på søknaden din om å oppholde deg utenfor Norge i mer enn to år uten å miste den permanente oppholdstillatelsen din, kan du klage. 

I vedtaket står det hvorfor du har fått avslag på søknaden din.

You are entitled to appeal the decision

  • The deadline for appealing is 3 weeks from the date you received the decision.
  • Your appeal must be in writing and signed, and a statement must be included with the reason for your appeal. Find more information on how to appeal a decision here.
  • If UDI does not grant your appeal, it will be sent for reconsideration by the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE).

What you need to do now

  • If you applied at least 6 months before the expiry of the two-year deadline, you must return to Norway within 2 weeks of receiving the rejection to avoid losing your permanent residence permit.
  • If you applied less than 6 months before the expiry of the deadline, you will lose your permanent residence permit. You can appeal a decision that revokes your right to permanent residency.

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