Application approved Temporary and restricted residence permit (Section 74)
The following applies if you have received a decision letter stating that you have been granted a temporary, restricted residence permit in accordance with the Act relating to the admission of foreign nationals into the realm and their stay here (Immigration Act), Section 74.
The grounds on which you have been granted a residence permit with restrictions is provided in the decision letter you have received. With this type of residence permit, your residency in Norway is temporary and subject to restrictions. You must be prepared that you will have to travel home when it is safe for you to return to your home country.
Can I renew my residence permit
You can renew your residence permit when it expires if UDI considers that you still need protection against removal to your home country. If you submit your application for renewal at the latest 1 month before your permit expires, you will have the right to stay in Norway with the same rights and obligations that you have with a valid permit, even after it has expired. This applies as long as your application for renewal is pending a decision.
Can I work?
It will be stated in your decision letter whether or not you can work in Norway. If you are younger than 18 years of age, your right to work is subject to certain restrictions.
Can I travel abroad while living in Norway?
When granted temporary, restricted residency, you are not issued a travel document, and you are not allowed to travel to other Schengen countries. If you travel outside Norway, you will not have the right to re-enter the country.
Where will I live?
You will be offered accommodation in an asylum reception centre. It is your decision whether you want to live at the reception centre or not. If you have a job or are able to provide for yourself through other means, you can find somewhere else to live. Please note that if you choose to live somewhere else other than the reception centre, you will lose the financial support you receive from UDI.
Can the restrictions tied to my permit be lifted
You can make a complaint about the decision within the deadline for appeals. The restrictions associated with your permit may make it challinging for you to accomplish certain things such as obtain an ID card, BankID, driving licence or a general practitioner (fastlege), but UDI cannot lift the restrictions set out by your permit.
Can my family come to Norway?
When you have a temporary, restricted residence permit, your family members cannot come to Norway through family immigration.
Can I take part in Norwegian training or the introduction programme for new immigrants?
This type of residence permit does not give you the right to participate in Norwegian language courses or in the introduction programme for immigrants.
Why am I being expelled?
If you have a temporary, restricted residence permit in accordance with the Immigration Act, Section 74, and protection against removal is your sole basis for residency, you will generally be permanently expelled from the Schengen area. You can renew your residence permit for as long as you have a need for protection from removal. If you no longer have protection against removal, an expulsion order will be issued. This entails that you are obligated to leave Norway within the deadline you received in the expulsion order or in a letter from UDI.
Can I lose my residence permit?
You could lose your residence permit in certain cases (revocation of residence permit). Losing your residence permit (revocation) entails that UDI has determined that a residence permit is no longer to be considered valid. Your permit may be revoked on the basis of significant changes in the situation in your home country or in your personal circumstances. In such case, UDI will notify you in advance that we consider the situation to be different from before, and we will give you a deadline for sending us information that may be of importance to your case.
Can I get a national identity number?
Pursuant to the Immigration Act, Section 74, you are not considered resident in Norway if you have a temporary, restricted residence permit. Therefore, you do not have the right to be issued a Norwegian national identity number (fødselsnummer). You will receive a temporary identification number, known as a D number, from the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Information about D numbers.
Information about national identity numbers.
Do I have the right to a general practitioner and healthcare?
Often, people with a temporary, restricted residence permit based on the Immigration Act, Section 74, will not be registered in the National Population Register (Folkeregisteret) and therefore do not have any right to a general practitioner.
Nevertheless, you will always have the right to essential, emergency healthcare in the municipality where you are staying.
If you have a medical emergency, contact an urgent care centre. Call 116 117 to contact urgent care centre nearest you.
For more information about the health rights of foreigners in Norway, please contact Helsenorge (external website).
Kan jeg ta førerkort i Norge?
Nei, du kan ikke ta førerkort. For å ta førerkort i Norge må du være registrert som bosatt i folkeregisteret, samt at du må ha gyldig godkjent legitimasjon. Du kan finne mer informasjon om hva som regnes som gyldig legitimasjon på nettsiden til Statens vegvesen (eksternt nettsted).
Kan jeg få bankkonto og bankkort i Norge?
Du finner informasjon om hvordan du blir kunde i en bank og hva som kreves for å få bankkort på nettsiden til Finans Norge (eksternt nettsted). UDI kan ikke hjelpe deg med å opprette bankkonto eller få bank ID.
Can I apply for money to return home?
If you have a temporary, restricted residence permit on the basis of the Immigration Act, Section 74, you are not eligible for financial support to return to your home country (repatriation grant).