Immigration of International Students to the EU and Norway (2012)

Norwegian national report, Immigration of International Students to the EU/EEA (pdf, 955 kB)
Synthesis report, Immigration of International Students to the EU (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Norwegian summary, synthesis report, Immigration of International Students to the EU (pdf, 181 kB)
The Norwegian National Report shows that inflow of international students to Norway has doubled over the past ten years. Russia, China and Germany are the top sending countries of students to Norway.
The analyses reveals that most international students leave Norway within a few years, but international students who stay in Norway have high rates of participation in the Norwegian labour market following graduation. Among students who came to Norway in the period 2000-2002, 90 per cent are either employed, employed and still in education or actively seeking a job.
Lene Bore, Kristian Rose Tronstad and Anne Britt Djuve have written the report commissioned by European Migration Network.
Synthesis Report
The Europe-wide Synthesis Report became available in April 2013. It shows that the immigration of international students is valued in the EU; both as a source of highly skilled workers and as part of European efforts to become a 'centre for excellence' in international research and education. In 2011, students made up the second largest group of entering third-country nationals after family migrants.