European Migration Network Studies and reports

In this section we present specially selected EMN studies.
EMN study on Impact of visa liberalisation on the countries of destination (2019)
Report on Labour Market Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU Member State (2019)
Social benefits and rights for beneficiaries of international protection (2018)
Changing influx of asylum seekers 2014-2016 (2018)
Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination in the EU plus Norway (2018)
The effectiveness of return in EU Member States (2017)
Challenges and practices for establishing the identity of third-country national in migration procedures (2017)
Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union (2017)
Family reunification regulations in Norway and the EU (2017)
EMN Synthesis Report for the EMN Focussed Study (2016)