European Migration Network Ad Hoc Queries

Ac-Hoc Queries are queries sent out by EMN member countries regarding other EMN members' practice on various issues concerning migration. On this page we present a compilation of Ad-Hoc Queries which Norway has contributed to.
Collecting biometric data from applicants for long stay visa (2014)
Third country national (TCN) crew-members (2014)
Revoking Citizenship on Account of Involvement in Acts of Terrorism or Other Serious Crimes (2014)
Policies for circular migration: Policies for circular migration and temporary labour migration schemes (2014)
Revocation of Status for Women from Afghanistan (2014)
Practice concerning applicants for international protection from Eritrea (2014)
Asylum seekers access to labour market (2014)
Voluntary return counseling (2014)
State authorities representing migrants’ rights (2014)
AHQ on Policies for family members of beneficiaries of international protection (2014)