European Migration Network Ad Hoc Queries

Ac-Hoc Queries are queries sent out by EMN member countries regarding other EMN members' practice on various issues concerning migration. On this page we present a compilation of Ad-Hoc Queries which Norway has contributed to.
Framing of migration in the media (2014)
Forecasting and contingency planning arrangements for international protection applicants (2014)
Research conducted on migrant population’s perception of safety and trust in authorities (2015)
Ariticle 1 F from the Refugee conevntion in asylum cases from Syria (2015)
Detention of asylum applicants at the border (2015)
Expulsion Definition Of Manifestly Unfounded As Related To Directive 2008/115/EC Background (2014)
Strategic plans for migration (2014)
Fingerprinting (2014)
The Dublin procedure in relation to the asylum procedure (2014)
Proof of identity and nationality (2014)