European Migration Network Ad Hoc Queries

Ac-Hoc Queries are queries sent out by EMN member countries regarding other EMN members' practice on various issues concerning migration. On this page we present a compilation of Ad-Hoc Queries which Norway has contributed to.
Allowances throughout the asylum process (2017)
Information campaigns aimed at asylum seekers, using social media in countries of origin or in transit (2016)
Protection of victims of human trafficking (2016)
How to return Syrian nationals who want to return (2016)
Student visa applications from Nepalese, Pakistani and Bangladeshi students (2016)
Interaction between criminal proceedings and asylum procedure (2017)
Family reunification with persons who have received international protection (2016)
Family reunification and the subsistance requirement (2016)
Maximum time limit for applications for family reunification (2016)
Family reunification of unaccompanied minors granted refugee status or subsidiary protection (2016)