Permanent residence permit with refugee status (protection/asylum)
If you have a permanent residence permit, UDI may decide that your residence permit is no longer valid (revocation). This may mean that you will no longer allowed to live in Norway or that you will be granted a new residence permit and your residence period in Norway will start over.
If you lose your permanent residence permit, you also lose your Norwegian travel documents.
How will I be notified that I risk losing my residence permit?
You may be called in for an interview with the police
If we need more information about your case, the police or UDI may invite you in for an interview.
You will be notified about revocation in advance
If UDI believes that your residence permit should be rescinded, UDI will notify you in advance and ask you to provide your perspective regarding the case. You may receive legal assistance to write the reply and your legal fees will be covered.
You are entitled to legal assistance
If you receive advance notification or a decision concerning revocation, you have the right to have expenses for legal assistance covered. You must contact a lawyer yourself. See examples of how to do so here (external website)
You have a right to see the documents in your case
If you wish to see the documents in your case, you must request access to the documents here.
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You have provided incorrect information in your case
If you have provided incorrect information in your case, UDI may decide that your residence permit should be revoked. The information must be significant to your case in order for UDI to be legally allowed to decide to revoke your permit.
UDI may also decide that your residence permit should be revoked if you have withheld information of importance to your case.
You have provided incorrect information about your identity
UDI may decide to revoke your residence permit if you have given us incorrect information about your identity.
You have stayed too long outside Norway
UDI may decide that you are to lose you residence permit because you have stayed outside Norway for more than two consecutive years. This is called lapse.
You may lose your refugee status
What does it mean?
It means that you will keep your permanent residence permit, but lose your advantages as a refugee.
You have visited your home country
UDI may decide to revoke your refugee status if you have visited or moved back to your home country.
You have become a citizen of another country
UDI may decide that you will lose your refugee status if you have become a citizen of another country.
The situation in your home country has changed
UDI may decide that you will lose your refugee status if the situation in your home country has changed. This is sometimes called termination.
You have committed criminal acts in Norway
UDI may decide that you will lose your refugee status if you have committed criminal acts in Norway.
How will I be informed that I have lost my residence permit?
You will receive a decision from UDI
If UDI decides that you will lose your residence permit, you will receive a decision from UDI. The decision will state why UDI is revoking your residence permit.
You can appeal the decision
You can appeal the decision on revocation. See for more information.
You are entitled to legal assistance
If you receive advance notification or a decision concerning revocation, you have the right to have expenses for legal assistance covered. You must contact a lawyer yourself. See examples of how to do so here (external website)
You have a right to see the documents in your case
If you wish to see the documents in your case, you must request access to the documents here.
Must I leave Norway?
You can be granted a new permit
UDI will consider whether you can be granted a new permit, for example if:
- you have a particular connection to Norway
- there are strong humanitarian considerations in your case, or
- if you are protected against refoulement (return)
You may need to leave Norway
If your permit is not renewed, you must leave Norway. The decision states whether you must leave Norway, and what the deadline for leaving the country is.