How to get a residence card if you applied before 16 April 2021

What is a residence card?

A residence card is a plastic card in credit card format that proves that you have been granted a permanent residence permit in Norway.

How do you obtain a residence card?

To be issued a residence card, you must go to the police in the place where you live. You have to book an appointment in advance. 

If you are under the age of 18, your parents/guardian must accompany you to the police.  

Booking an appointment over the phone

You can call your local police district to book an appointment. You cannot call UDI to book an appointment.

What happens when you go to the police?

The police will take your fingerprints and photo, and will then order your residence card. 

How long will it take until you get the card?

It will take at least 20 working days from your appointment with the police until you receive the card in the post. 

Please check that you are registered with the correct postal address and that your name is on your letter box. If not, the card will not reach you. If the card is lost in the mail, it will take another ten working days until you can get a new one. 

If you are planning trips to abroad, you should therefore make sure there is plenty of time between your appointment with the police and your planned departure date.