How do I renew my Afghan passport?

I have an expired Afghan passport, and I cannot renew my passport at the Afghan embassy. What do I do?

The UDI is aware that it is currently impossible to obtain new passports at the Afghan embassy in Oslo and other foreign service missions.

You can instead apply for an Immigrant’s passport if:

  • you are an Afghan citizen who has a residence permit in Norway and,
  • you do not have refugee status and,
  • you do not get your Afghan passport renewed and,
  • we know your identity (it will be stated in the decision letter for your residence permit).

Here you may read how to apply for an Immigrant’s passport.

It is currently problematic for Afghan citizens to obtain an Afghan passport, and we do not know how long this situation will persist. Therefore, UDI follows the situation closely. It also means that this information may change if the situation changes.