Moving between reception centres

I already live at a reception centre

If you already live at a reception centre and wish to move, it is your regional office that will process your application to move to another reception centre. You can ask the staff at the reception centre about how to apply. Not everyone who wants to move will have their application approved.

UDI requires that you have compelling reasons for moving, for example that you

  • have close family in or near the reception centre you want to move to
  • need medical treatment that requires you to move
  • have received an offer of a job or education that entails you have to move
  • are nationally and linguistically isolated at the reception centre you want to move from

You must document your need to move. It is also important to be aware that, even if you can document your need, it is not certain that you will be allowed to move to the reception centre you want. The reception centre may not have a vacant place for you, or there may be other reasons why it is not possible. 

Form for moving between reception centres

I want to move back to a reception centre

If you are no longer living at a reception centre and want to move back to a centre, it is not certain that you can move back to the same centre you lived at before. If you are not offered a place at the reception centre you previously stayed at, you will be offered a place at another reception centre.

Report your move

Remember to tell your local police, UDI and the reception centre of your upcoming move and your new address. It is important that we know your address so that we can reach you with information about your case.