Who is summoned for an interview?

  • In connection with some applications for family immigration, we will request an interview with the reference person and/or the applicant in order to obtain more information.
  • This applies to
    • all applications where the applicant has established a relationship with a Norwegian under the age of 25, or with a person under the age of 25 who already lives in Norway
    • most applications where the applicant is either stateless or from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Türkiye, Iran, Iraq, or from a country in Africa (with the exception of South Africa).
    • a number of applications where the applicant is from Kosovo, China, Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic, India, Indonesia, Vietnam or Sri Lanka.
    • a few other applications 
  • If this applies to you, we will notify you by email or SMS, and you will receive a summons to an interview with information about when and where the interview will take place.
  • If you are in Norway, you will go to the police for the interview. You can find information on the police website about how long you must normally wait for the interview (external website)
  • If you are abroad, the interview will normally be at the same place as where you handed in your application. In some countries, you will be interviewed when you hand in the application.
  • During the interview, you will be asked about your relationship, among other things.
  • You must bring someone to interpret for you if you do not speak Norwegian.
  • After the interview, the police send your case back to UDI. You will be notified by email or SMS when UDI has received the case.