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Once you have submitted all the application documents to the police or the embassy, your application will be forwarded to UDI. When UDI receives your application, you will be notified by email or SMS.
The application is now waiting to be processed by UDI. Every month you will receive an email or SMS with information about what is happening with your case. Once a month we will also update the information in our guide to case processing times in family immigration cases.
In connection with some applications for family immigration, we will request an interview with the reference person and/or the applicant in order to obtain more information. If this applies to you, we will notify you by email or SMS, and you will receive a summons to an interview from the police or the embassy.
In connection with some applications for family immigration, we will request DNA analysis. If this applies to you, we will summon you for testing at an embassy or the police.
UDI's case officers consider the cases in the order in which they are received. When your application is at the front of the queue, a case officer will consider your application and make a decision.
When UDI has made a decision, you will be notified by the police, UDI or the embassy. If you have given someone power of attorney, the person acting as your proxy will always be notified, and must notify you.