These documents you must hand in when you apply for a residence card (utlendingsloven § 114 jf. § 118) Checklist for residence card for cohabitant of an EU/EEA national
The information on this page is personalised for
United Kingdom
How to use the checklist
Underneath is a list of the documents you need to submit when you apply for family immigration. Some of the documents you the applicant have to get and others the reference person need to get.
- Print the list.
- Mark every submitted document in the check list
- Sign the last page.
- You as the applicant should then submit this checklist, the questionnaire and copies of all the relevant documents in person. You must also bring the original documents.
On this page, we use the words 'reference person' and 'applicant'
- The reference person = the family member living in Norway.
- The applicant = the person who wants to move to Norway or continue living here and who needs a residence permit
Application documents
If you hand in your application abroad, you must bring a filled-out application form (pdf, 2,0 MB). (
If you hand in the application in Norway and have filled in the form in the Application Portal you do not need to bring an application form.
You can use this form Form for granting Power of Attorney, pdf, 710 kB (pdf, 199 kB) ( or the form you received by email when you registered your application in the Application Portal.
Identity documents for the applicant
- If you hand in your application in Norway, you normally only need to show your passport and hand in the copies.
- If you hand in your application abroad, you must normally hand in both your passport and the copies. If you need your passport back before you receive an answer to your application, please contact the place where you hand in the application.
Form with questions about you and your cohabitant
You have to fill out a form with questions about you and your cohabitant. It is you who are the applicant who must fill out this form, it is not to be filled out by the reference person in Norway.
You can find the form here ( Remember to sign on the last page of the form.
You have to answer all the questions in the form as accurately as you can, even if some of the questions are not apt to your situation.
Documents about your family
As documentation that previous marriages have been dissolved abroad, UDI accepts:
- Divorce certificate or annulment certificate in the former spouse's home country or from the country where you and your previous spouse were married, or
- documentation from the former spouse's home country or the country where you and your former spouse married, showing that it is impossible to divorce or annul the marriage
If you cannot obtain documentation from abroad that your previous marriage is dissolved there, you must write an explanation the applicant can provide.
Documents that show that the reference person exercises his/her right of residence in Norway pursuant to the EEA regulations
If the reference person is working
Please note! If the reference person changes employer while you are waiting for the application to be processed, you must send the new work contract and payslips to the UDI.
If the reference person is self-employed
If the reference person is employed in a foreign enterprise (a service provider)
If the sponsor has sufficient own funds
The applicant must hold a private health insurance that is valid for at least one year. The health insurance must cover all medical expenses including medical and hospital treatment.
The funds should be accessible from Norway and accepted proof may include account statements, certificate of insurance, or documentation of fixed periodic benefits (e.g. any type of pensions) from your home country, from Norway or from any other country.
If the reference person is a student
The applicant must hold a private health insurance that is valid for at least one year. The health insurance must cover all medical expenses including medical and hospital treatment.
The funds should be accessible from Norway and accepted proof may include account statements, certificate of insurance, or documentation of fixed periodic benefits (e.g. any type of pensions) from your home country, from Norway or from any other country.
Originals and copies of the documents
Requirements for documents from Norway
You do not need to bring originals of documents from Norwegian authorities. You are only to hand in a copy of the document. The copy does not need to be stamped.
Requirements for documents from other countries than Norway
- You must show all the documents in their original form, and your passport.
- You must also bring copies of all the documents and your passport.
- If you hand in your application abroad, the copies must be stamped by the authorities in your country, or by a notarius publicus.
- If you hand in your application to the police in Norway you do not need to have the copies stamped (neither the copies of your documents, nor the copies of your passport).
- If your documents are in a different language than Norwegian or English, they must be translated to Norwegian or English by an authorised/certified translator. It must be stated on the translation who translated the document and when.
- You must also hand in a copy of the translations. If you hand in your application abroad, the copy of the translation must be stamped by the authorities in your country, or a notarius publicus.
- Do you have documents from different countries? Check what you need to do to get documents from different countries certified in EU/EEA-cases.
- As a rule, the documents must be from the country where the marriage, birth or other event took place. If your relationship to the family member is registered in another EU/EEA country, it may be sufficient to provide us with documentation issued by that EU/EEA country.
Please note! UDI does not require apostille or legalisation of the documents, but be aware that other public agencies may require this.